Profil Kemampuan Menyusun Proposal PTK Mahasiswa Bahasa Indonesia Prodi PPG Daljab Universitas Mataram Tahun 2019

  • Syaiful Musaddat Universitas Mataram
  • Siti Rohana Hariana Intiana Universitas Mataram
  • Moch. Asyhar Universitas Mataram
Keywords: profil kemampuan, proposal PTK, Mahasiswa PPG Daljab


This research aims at describing the ability of the 2019 in-service teacher professional education of Bahasa Indonesia at Mataram University in designing a Classroom Action Research (CAR) proposal. The ability refers to the three indicators, namely (1) the ability to design the introduction; (2) the ability to review the related theory and previous research; and (3) the ability to design the research method. The three categories were developed into fifteen indicators. This research was conducted in three phases, pre-research, research, and post-research. The data were collected through the documentation method with descriptive qualitative steps in the analysis, namely data reduction, data display, and data verification and interpretation, with the CAR rubrics. The results showed that the means score 3.75 is in the good category with 6 or 25% of the teachers is very good, 16 or 66.67% is good, and 8.33% is sufficient category. From the 15 indicators, nine is in the very good category, five is good, and one indicator is sufficient.

How to Cite
Musaddat, S., Intiana, S. R. H., & Asyhar, M. (2020). Profil Kemampuan Menyusun Proposal PTK Mahasiswa Bahasa Indonesia Prodi PPG Daljab Universitas Mataram Tahun 2019. JURNAL LISDAYA, 16(1), 39-48. Retrieved from

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