• Nurul Azizah University of Udayana
  • Sri Mahawan University of Muhammadiyah Mataram
  • Nurachman Hanafi University of Mataram
Keywords: passivization, Sasak Kuto-Kute dialect, passive properties, canonical, adversative, passive-causative


Passivization is generally defined as the process of passifying active sentences form into passive. This paper discusses a brief description of passivization in Sasak Kuto-Kute (KK) dialect in North Lombok by looking at its morphological properties. The data was collected using a set of structured questionnaire of Indonesian active and passive sentences as the guideline. To confirm the data, interviews and note taking were also conducted with some of the native speakers. From the observation it was found that so far there are two types of passive construction in Sasak KK dialect namely canonical and adversative passive. Unlike other dialects of Sasak, in KK dialect the canonical passive can be formed in three ways: using the prefix ta-, particle paq and the base word only (zero marker). For the adversative passive form, KK dialect uses two types of marker: confix ke- -an and suffix –in. Interestingly, the canonical passive in Sasak KK dialect marked by prefix ta- can also form a passive-causative construction (derived from the causative sentences) which is marked by the prefix ta- and suffix –ang. Another interesting fact found in the dialect is that the passive form of Sasak KK dialect with zero marker cannot become intransitive form.

How to Cite
Azizah, N., Mahawan, S., & Hanafi, N. (2020). PASSIVIZATION IN SASAK KUTO-KUTE DIALECT OF NORTH LOMBOK. JURNAL LISDAYA, 17(1), 70-76. Retrieved from