Pemetaan Kecakapan Lunak (Soft Skills) Mahasiswa Di Lombok

  • Muhammad Amin Universitas Mataram
  • Ahmad Zamzam Universitas Mataram
Keywords: softskills, university students, attitude


This research aimed at describing university students’ softskills development. It was carried out at a state university of Mataram involving 113 respondents from university students. This research is
descriptive qualitative and the the data were collected through depth-interview, observation, and a set of questionnaires, which collected eight softskill domains with fourty-five items. The data were analyzed in two steps, namely ongoing analysis and overall analysis. The data analysis results showed that the students’ softskills are categorized in high level category of each domain.

How to Cite
Amin, M., & Zamzam, A. (2020). Pemetaan Kecakapan Lunak (Soft Skills) Mahasiswa Di Lombok. JURNAL LISDAYA, 15(2), 135-147. Retrieved from