Students’ Reading Ability in Answering Lower and Higher Order Thinking Questions: A Case Study at The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA Muhammadiyah Mataram In Academic Year 2018/2019
This study aimed at knowing know the ability of the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Mataram in answering lower and higher order thinking questions and the difficulties that students faced in answering lower and higher order thinking questions of narrative texts. This study is a descriptive qualitative which involved 32 students from two classes as the subject of the study. The data were collected by applying two test and questionnaire. The findings show that the means score of students ability in answering lower order thinking questions is 78.08 which is classified as high ability. While, the means score of students’ ability in answering higher order thinking questions is 46.66 score which is classified as low ability. Furthermore, the dominant difficulties faced by the students are determining or giving judgments, predicting something and assessing value.
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